With its beginnings in 1938 as the IOA Youth Ranch, the Oklahoma Lions Boys Ranch has a long history and tradition of turning young lives around.
The 160 acres that make up the Oklahoma Lions Boys Ranch was given for its present purpose by the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. George Washington Main, who held it from the opening in 1891. A son, Francis Main, is said to have received inspiration for the project in remedial family living from hearing Cal Farley of Amarillo talk about his project. Francis and his sister, Mrs. Lois Main Donnelley, remembered hearing their parents express a wish to be of help to children. They felt that in donating land for the youth ranch they were following that parental desire.
Our past experience has brought us to where we are today and allows us to move forward with great success. To understand some of our history, we’ve created a video that we’d like you to see. Please click the Youtube video on this page!